To Provide Authentic Malaysian Cuisine
Deliver high-quality and authentic Malaysian dishes to meet the culinary preferences of Malaysian pilgrims during their Umrah and Hajj journeys.
To Enhance Pilgrim Comfort and Satisfaction
Create a sense of home for pilgrims by offering familiar and comforting meals that contribute to their overall well-being and satisfaction.
To Cater to Large Pilgrim Groups Efficiently
Ensure the capacity to serve up to 300 Umrah pilgrims monthly and 10,000–20,000 Hajj pilgrims during the peak season with exceptional service and operational efficiency.
To Maintain High Standards of Food Quality and Safety
Adhere to strict hygiene and quality standards in food preparation to guarantee the safety and health of all pilgrims.
To Support Malaysia’s Culinary Identity Abroad
Promote the unique flavors and cultural richness of Malaysian cuisine internationally by establishing a strong presence in Mecca.
To Foster a Spirit of Care and Devotion
Align the company’s services with the spiritual essence of the pilgrimage by ensuring pilgrims feel supported and cared for throughout their journey.
To Expand Operational Reach
Continuously grow and innovate to accommodate an increasing number of pilgrims and explore opportunities to serve diverse cultural groups while retaining Malaysian roots.